Service and Parts Orders

Having trouble with your Egg King? Based on customer feedback, we've included a few troubleshooting tips and tricks below to assist you. If your machine is under warranty, please be sure to always contact us before attempting a repair.
What do I do if my Egg King won't start?
Ensure the machine is in the 'OFF' position at the ON/OFF switch and unplug the machine.
For safety, be sure to remove the baskets, hopper and wingnut.
Check the bottom right side of the machine, near the castor, to see if either circuit breaker on the machine is tripped. If so, push it back in to reset.
Plug the machine in and turn the switch to the 'ON' position. If this process does not work, please contact us for further assistance.
What if the outer basket is stuck and I can't remove it?
You will need the help of one other person.
Using thick gloves or a towel inside each of the hand holes on the outer basket, one person should pull up on the basket.
While pulling up, you can use a hammer and dowel to gently tap down on the top of the shaft to release the basket (be sure you are using gentle taps).
If this process does not work, please contact us for further assistance.
NOTE: Always ensure that the outer basket is set all the way down onto the shaft. When the basket is not positioned correctly, it will either break the shaft pin or become wedged.
How do I install the shaft pin?
The shaft pin must be centered in the shaft with the serrated seam facing up.
Final placement will make and even cross with the vertical shaft and horizontal shaft pin.
​To confirm placement, slide the outer basket on prior to installing the yellow hopper. If the basket does not slide down properly, adjust as needed before use.
Having a service issue or need to order parts?
Submit a ticket below and we'll reach out ASAP.​